Not like other consultants

Machus is short for Farrah and James’ last names, Macchiwalla & Ussery.  Starting as merely an idea to break free of corporate life in Texas around 2004 the company was manifested several years later while they were living in California in 2006. Farrah was pregnant with Aidan that next year and James lost his job shortly after. And just like that they were falling out the nest and were forced to spread and test their wings. Drastic changes were made. Step away from Accenture? Move out of the country? Homeschool?

James and Farrah over the course of the next 10 years would have many experiences and adventures traveling to different countries where the majority of their time was spent in India. As they assisted businesses and entrepreneurs in hiring, firing, taxes, product pricing, reselling, sales, marketing, hosting and many other facets they realized that this life was a much better decision than staying strapped in the typical corporate grind!

They have been all over but found to keep the body active, the beach is a great place to be, and have had many conversations with people as they try to beat the slave system and do similar things with their lives. They are now living in India as nomads with laptops enjoying client relationships all over the world! The internet really can work for you.

Along their journey they’ve met some really great people and have decided to share in business opportunities. You’ll probably meet some of them if their skill-sets and knowledge serves your needs. There is so much to share, it makes for such a great time to be alive!

Our People

Meet the Team

Co-Founder and CEO
Co-Founder and CFO
E-Commerce Business Specialist
Content Creator
SEO and PPC Consultant